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How to obtain your certification to the ISO 14001 standard?

ISO 14001 certification guarantees your business improved performance from an environmental point of view. Thanks to this standard, you retain your employees, you commit your structure to the path of innovation and development. It is true that it is optional and that obtaining it imposes on you demanding procedures, but you will see that it is worth it in the remainder of this article.

The stage of preparing your certification project

At the very beginning, you must carry out the designation of a sort of ISO 14001 referent. The role of this referent will be to ensure the mobilization of the various collaborators in relation to this challenge, but also to implement the project.

At this level, you will have an easy analysis of all your current practices, but also a better definition of your various objectives. Have this professional accompany you for your ISO 14001 certification, and you will reach your goal with ease.

Selection of the body responsible for certification

You should not make a commitment to an organization without having compared several. Once you do, you will be able to determine which one achieves the best implementation of the compliant CASCO standard. As such, preference should also be given to organizations that hold accreditation.

Indeed, when an organization has been accredited, you can be sure that it is competent to carry out a certification process. You can therefore entrust your business to him with complete peace of mind, because he will have high-tech tools useful for carrying out this task.

The timing of the certification audit

You must have a prior analysis of your situation. Likewise, it will be necessary to have detailed objectives. When it does, the certification body will have the right data to complete your audit. At the end of this, he will have conclusions through which he can delimit the various actions to be taken. All these actions, which will also have for finality the respect of the requirements linked to the ISO 14001 standard. The schedule will also be fully respected.

Once the solutions have been developed by the organization, the latter will support you in their deployment. It is at this level that the action of the referent will be felt even more since he will serve as a pilot for change. Then, if all goes well, a new audit will have to be carried out. It will then be used to validate the ISO 14001 certification process.

The benefits of certification

This certification will allow you to reduce your costs relating to the operation of your business, in particular production, transport, etc. It will also allow you to give more virtue to your business since you will improve your performance in environmental matters. In addition, you will reduce the risk of disputes with the various representatives of your staff or associations.

Likewise, you will avoid situations of operational shutdowns due to the use of pollutants and other harmful chemicals. Note also that thanks to this process, you will be able to benefit from the opening to certain markets, in particular those which are specific to respect for the environment. You will also have a better reputation with customers, employees, suppliers and investors.


Rédacteur en chef du magazine, j'exerce sur internet depuis ces débuts et suis toujours à l'écoute des dernières actualités à partager.

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